Unlock your creative potential

The Jolt x NAS Academy Content Creator Program

Content creation isn't just a passion — it's a promising career, and this is your chance to redefine your journey in the digital age as a creator.

100+ hours of live online workshops 

Live online classes

5 months duration

About the program

Founded by global influencer Nas Daily, boasting a combined following exceeding 65 million, Nas Academy has become synonymous with content creation excellence. By joining forces with Jolt, renowned for its business acumen, the Content Creator Program promises to be a game-changer. Over a span of 5 months, you will engage in 100 hours of immersive learning. The comprehensive curriculum will allow you to produce over 10 scripts, create over 40 videos, and devise a robust content strategy. Beyond content creation, the program emphasizes personal branding, social media management, and channel growth, ensuring you are well-equipped to thrive in the digital age and become a worldwide known content creator.

Craft 10+ scripts & produce 40+ videos in only 5 months

Establish a standout portfolio to nail future brand collaborations

Learn from top-tier trainers & mentors in the industry

Design an actionable content strategy roadmap

Brands that Nas academy students have worked with

The program faculty star cast includes…


Award Winning, London based, Filmmaker, Photographer, Animator, and all round visual creative.


International emcee with Nas Academy, diverse background includes nursing in the Philippines, teaching in Japan, and content creation in the US.


Founder and CEO of - Nas Company and Nas Studios with over 60 Million followers across the world.


Versatile professional with modeling, language teaching, coaching, YouTube, and aerospace engineering experience.


Travel content creator with 1M+ followers, 200M+ views, and TV host of "Not news but Life"


Zoom master, International event host, and inspiring content creator known for #It'sMeDad


Mexican content creator, inspires women to explore the world and advocates for ocean conservation.

Yael Takomi

Product-Monetization and Women in Games Ambassador, Ex-Playtika, Ex-Meta

Ori Winokur

Head Of Music & Sounds @ Artlist.io

Yitzy Tannenbaum

Sr. Product Marketing Manager @ Palo Alto Networks, Ex-Meta, Ex-Nice

Fab Giovanetti

Owner @ Alt Marketing School

Ben Pines

Director of Content @ AI21 Labs and Wordtune

Shay Thieberg

CMO & Co-Founder @ MAIA - One Link At A Time

Noa Segol

VP Marketing & Strategy @ PractiTest, Ex-Engie, Ex-Amdocs

Adi Arkin

Founder @ Minuf

What Will You Learn?

Master the Art of Social Media Storytelling.

Perfect the art of scripting to craft viral videos. Understand storytelling as a cornerstone of impactful content, setting the foundation for numerous scripts you'll develop.

The Basics of Content Creation for All Social Platforms.

Navigate the varied algorithms of social media platforms while mastering universal content creation techniques. Develop a unique style that keeps audiences engaged.

Create Better Videos and Get More Views- Practice makes perfect.

Produce at least 40 videos, transitioning from basics to advanced techniques to ensure your content remains fresh and stands out.

Grow Your Channels and Get More Loyal Followers.

Crafted your content? Now, maximize its reach. Gain exclusive insights to ensure maximum visibility every time you post.

Make Money With Content Creation and Access to Job Opportunities.

Transform your passion into profit. Connect with global creators and brands, unlocking opportunities to pitch and collaborate.

This program is for:

Aspiring independent content creators

Business owners who want to grow their social media reach

Marketers who want to improve their social media marketing

Creators who want to grow their channels

People who want to change their careers to follow their passion

Aspiring digital nomads 

Content Creator Program

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Is the Content Creator Program online or in-person?

All sessions are hosted online. Students will also have access to recordings of all live sessions.

What output will I create if I join the Content Creator Program?

In this program, you can create at least 10 scripts and 40 videos during the 5 months. However, quantity is not the goal. For some students, this could be more or it could be less. Your output depends on your own goals and time commitment.

How much does it cost?

The program costs $3,990, the price is a fixed price for everyone and the content is marketed all over the world at the same price without discounts.

What is the size of each class?

Places are limited per cohort and per class. The program is designed to be as immersive as possible and provide you with personalized guidance.

Do I need to buy expensive equipment before starting the class?

We recommend that you have access to a computer or laptop for a better learning experience and your smartphone for content creation. You do not have to buy any camera or camera gear to participate in this program.

I have no experience with content creation. Is this the right program for me?

Yes, the Content Creator Program is designed to take people with any level of experience and turn them into content creators!

If I am an entrepreneur or work for a company, is this program for me?

In today’s world, it’s typical for companies, business leaders, and entrepreneurs to build their online presence through social media content creation. We have worked with over 50 companies to show them how to build and grow their social media channels.

The Content Creator Program is a perfect fit for industry professionals who understand the importance of social media for brand awareness and marketing – and want to learn how to do it in an accelerated way successfully.

I am not a full-time creator, but I want to create content on the side, is this the right program for me?

Yes! The Content Creator Program is designed to take people where they are and help them get where they want to be, even if they have a busy schedule. You can take this program if you want to be a part-time creator or do it as a hobby.

What is the refund policy?

The Content Creator Program has a 14 day money back guarantee. Not satisfied with the course? No questions asked, you’ll get a 100% refund. From the 15th day and onwards no refunds are available.

If I’m busy and miss a few classes, can I get a replacement?

If you enroll in this program, there is a time commitment – including the scheduled sessions. If you are unable to join your scheduled class, you can watch the recording.

Why is this program so expensive?

This program is packed with value and is worth so much more than the quoted price! Besides the skills you’ll learn, you’ll also get access to job opportunities and networks that will more than pay back the cost of the program. This program is an investment in your future, and is proof to prospective employers that you are committed to your content creation career.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.